Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery
Business Continuity and Tape Backup
“Disaster recovery is the area of security planning that deals with protecting an organization from the effects of significant negative events.”
The development of Disaster Recovery planning started in the late 1970’s with the rise of digital technology. As businesses moved from paper records to digital storage, a need arose to store the digital information safely in case of a disaster.
In the middle 1980’s, as businesses moved to mainframe computers, computer center managers realized that if the mainframe went down, retrieving files would be challenging to run day-to-day operations.
The 1990’s brought “open systems, real-time processing” and growth of the internet. “This growth lead to organizations of all sizes becoming further dependent on the continuous availability of their IT systems.”
In the 2000’s and today businesses need to recover “quickly in the event of unexpected disruption.”
With the amount of critical data being created on a daily basis, a documented process for Disaster Recovery is no longer a luxury but a necessity.
Data retention requirements have become more stringent with industry compliance laws and corporate regulation requiring businesses to create a Disaster Recovery Plan along with data backup and storage solutions.
Tape Backup
Tape backup continues to be a critical component of Disaster Recovery Plans.
Backing up data is the first part of a disaster recovery strategy; Offsite Storage is the second part.
You can read more about our vault here and our vaulting process here.
Benefits of LTO tape for a Disaster Recovery Plans:
• Fastest Magnetic Media Write Speeds
• Lowest cost per GB of all Magnetics
• Lowest Power Consumption
• Unmatched Portability
• Unrivaled Reliability
Disaster Recovery Plans are designed to protect corporate data and the continuity of the business. Good plans minimize loss and provide solutions for the resumption of business. With High Capacity storage, fast performance and lower cost per GB, LTO can be an effective tool as part of any Disaster Recovery Plan.
If you have any questions, you can contact us here.
Jon Toigo