Seery Systems – Who are we?
Seery Systems has been helping clients with their document management and imaging needs for almost 20 years. Our mission is to eliminate the costs and inefficiencies of paper, while working with clients to improve their business processes. At Seery Systems, we know that each client is unique and has their own specific set of needs. We aim to fill these needs with our industry leading customized solutions.
Our Process
At Seery Systems, we try to make the process of document scanning as easy as possible for our clients. Our Clients who use document scanning have improved workflows and a positive return on investment. When a client needs documents scanned we can pick up their documents or do a scanning project onsite at their office.
1. Document Prep
All documents are prepped before we start image capturing. We remove all staples and paper clips and repair torn edges that might get stuck. This prep work ensures a smooth conversion process.
2. Capture
Once the documents are prepped, we send them through our scanner to capture the image.
3. Document Imaging
The images will be saved as a TIFF, PDF or JPEG.
4. Check for Accuracy
Before we finalize an image for indexing, we double-check for accuracy. We check for data accuracy and image quality. If the image does not meet our high standard, we scan it again.
5. Indexing
Indexing is the unsung hero of document scanning. We can index files by file type, date and name, etc… as well as by barcode. Once your files are indexed, you will never have to search through a box of paper documents again.
Please feel free to Contact Us about our process
Types of Documents We Scan
Seery Systems offers a full range of document scanning services including:
1. Scanning & indexing of business documents
2. Large format engineering drawings
3. Microfilm
4. Microfiche
5. Aperture Cards
6. Book scanning
Seery Systems helps businesses and State and Local Governments.
Over the past 15 years our clients have included:
1. County, Town and Village Building Departments
2. County, Town and Village Clerks Records
3. Financial Institutions
4. Higher Education
5. Healthcare
6. Legal
7. Mortgage Lenders
8. Title & Abstract
9. Insurance
Each type of business or government office has its own set of unique needs. Our process is flexible to accommodate our client’s challenges.
If you would like to work with Seery Systems, please contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.